Blue Moonstone - 8.45 Carat
Original Natural Rainbow Moonstone weighing 8.45 Carat (9.39 Ratti) From Srilanka (Ceylon) (IDT lab certified)
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Blue Moonstone
Moonstones have long been linked to the Moon and other concepts like fertility, love, and protection. The name "adularia" for moonstones comes from the famous moonstone-producing mountain, Mount Adular in Switzerland. Adularescence in the moonstones is the result of light diffracted as it strikes the gem's thin, alternating layers of orthoclase and albite. As a result, the gem appears to have an interior light that is blue to white. The production of a blue sheen depends on how fine the albite crystals are. White sheen indicates thick albite plates.
Weight (Carat): 8.45
Weight (Ratti): 9.39
Shape: Oval
Cut: Cabochon
Certificate Type: IDT
Dimensions (mm): 16.07 x 10.45 x 6.29
Composition: Natural
Certificate Number: 1180066
Magnification : Centipede & Needle Inclusions
Dimension Type: Not calibrated