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Onyx Gemstone’s (Sabza) Powerful Astrological Benefits!

Onyx Gemstone’s (Sabza) Powerful Astrological Benefits!

When it is a gist of protection, healing, focus, and fortune, Onyx gemstone always leads the path! Associated with the auspicious planet Mercury (Budh), the Onyx stone benefits its beholder with enriched love, prosperity, wisdom, and spiritual growth. Its name originates from an ancient Greek word ‘ὄνυξ’ meaning ‘fingernail’ or ‘claw’. 

It is an astrological substitute for the magnificent Emerald gemstone! Its glittering green hues enlighten our lives for divine happiness, forgiveness, empathy, self-assurance, and huge success. If you also want to know about them, keep reading the article!

Benefits Of Onyx Stone: 

The natural Onyx gemstone, which is also called ‘Sabza Patthar’ in Hindi benefits from untapped wisdom, wealth, communication, true love, and rejuvenation. The healing benefits of Onyx bestow courage, bliss, success, and strong health in its wearer.

Historical scriptures mention Roman soldiers wearing onyx stone amulets for protection, courage, and strength. For Indians, it was a potent protector from evil, misfortune, and failures. It is used in Feng Shui practice in China for deep focus, power, and determination. 

Black and Green Onyx stones benefit stability, safety, and strength. Likewise, the red onyx stone bestows passion, grounding, self-confidence, and spiritual awareness. 

Green Onyx is the birthstone of July month. It is a stone for the 7th wedding anniversary that symbolizes strong love and connection! 

  • Green Onyx Wards Off Evil Eye:

Green Onyx crystals have potent benefits of safety and protection against negative energies, evil powers, psychic attacks, and misfortune. In ancient times, it was used to diminish ghostly possessions and bad spells. People used to wear solid black Onyx talismans to protect against financial losses, natural calamities, etc..

  • Promotes Success:

The Onyx stone is a reservoir of focus, motivation, and success. Brown Onyx stone benefits with growth, self-realization, intellect, and passion.  It facilitates academic success, work promotions, and business expansion.

  • Green Onyx Stone Benefits For Prosperity:

Onyx is a powerhouse of prosperity, abundance, and financial freedom. The celestial energies of Green Onyx stone benefit from profitable deals, new opportunities, creative business ideas, and trustful partnerships! 

Businessmen and working professionals wear the Onyx ring instead of the Emerald to get similar affluent benefits of success, multiple income streams, etc.

  • Heals Physical Disorders:

Onyx benefits pregnant women to ease pain during labor and postpartum. It repairs cellular damage for faster healing. 

Banded green Onyx stone builds inner strength, vitality, and power. Other healing benefits of Onyx include improved blood circulation, kidney function, and the immune system.

Likewise, Onyx green stone regulates blood pressure, strengthens bones, and promotes healthy liver function. 

  • Grows You Spiritually:

This gemstone embodies higher consciousness, intuitions, and divine guidance for our spiritual growth. 

It activates the Root Chakra (Muladhara/ Basic) to receive the ethereal energies of Mother Earth for grounding. 

The Green Onyx stone expands our Heart Chakra (Anahata) for divine love, mercy, and empathy! 

Wearing green onyx stone with blue onyx facilitates inner reflection and communication with higher beings.

  • Harmonises Relationships:

Natural Onyx gemstones can remove toxic people and relations from your life. Green Onyx crystal fosters empathy, understanding, and communication.

It is a divine channel attracting true love, real friends, and deserving people. In ancient Persia and India, the Banded Onyx was a sacred symbol of harmony between two people in love. 

Onyx Stone benefits from letting go of bad relations, reducing lust, and strengthening loyalty towards your partner. 

  • Regulates Emotional Wellbeing:

The Sabza stone absorbs the unpleasant energies in our aura. It heals our past trauma, worry, anxiety, depression, and impulsive behavior. Being an Emerald’s substitute, Sabza Ratna facilitates regulation between mind, body, and spirit. 

Onyx magnifies clear thinking, logical responses, and a soft attitude.  Combining with black Onyx it combats our fears, phobias, and bad memories to relieve us from distressing pain. 

Onyx stone benefits us with inner peace, deep sleep, and confidence! It also benefits its beholder with emotional stability and compassion. It diminishes jealousy, revenge, and guilt.

  • Rekindles Creativity:

If you feel stuck in a hustle, the natural onyx stone can be your savior! This mighty stone rekindles our passion and interests to boost creativity and innovative thinking. 

The green Onyx stone benefits from awakening our creativity and imagination. It removes obstacles, and boosts confidence to speak our hearts out! It helps us to embrace new choices and bold decisions.

Understanding Onyx Stone and Its Types:

  1. Red Onyx:

Red onyx mainly purifies negative energies in your body, mind, and aura to facilitate cleansing, rejuvenation, and vitality. It lowers your stress and tension to make you feel relaxed and composed.

  1. White Onyx:

When you need emotional support or cleansing of negativity around you, White Onyx is the stone for you! It promotes peace, balance, harmony, and kindness in its beholder’s life. It’s soothing energies aid physical pain and emotional hurdles.

  1. Brown Onyx:

This magical gemstone fulfills your sense of life’s purpose and guides you towards your goals. It helps to manifest your dreams and achieve higher success. 

This gemstone acts as a physical channel to find a divine path for your spiritual growth. It promotes empathy and mercy.

  1. Black Onyx:

Black onyx is known as ‘the wanderer’s stone’. This stone acts as a strong shield against the black eye, evil energies, and psychic attacks. It elevates your self-confidence, sense of freedom, and independence.

It lowers your mood swings, anger issues, and stress to make you feel lighter and happy.

  1. Orange Onyx:

This rare crystal is an effective healer for physical disorders. It builds your stamina, body strength, and vigor. It helps to combat body issues like aches, body pain, weakness, etc. 

It saves you from failure, anxiety, and grief to make you stronger.

  1. Blue Onyx:

Blue onyx promotes creativity, peace, and sucess. Its gentle energies heal throat, chest, and lung disorders. 

Blue Sabza stone also safeguards you from bad luck and evil eye. It promotes emotional well-being and inner strength.

Why Choose Pramogh For Onyx Stone (Sabza)?

Pramogh aims to resolve all kinds of issues and obstacles with the help of astrologically potent gemstones. Let the gentle energies of Sabza stone guide you to get out from obstacles and blocks in your path!  Explore Pramogh’s incredible collection of natural green Onyx Gemstones to unleash the wonders of life.


The Sabza is a divine guardian of our mental well-being, happiness, love, honesty, and prosperity. This mighty crystal facilitates healing, protection, divine strength, spiritual insights, and angelic guidance. Whether you desire empathy or stability, Onyx is a true companion for your success! So hurry up and choose the beautiful authentic Sabza gemstones from Pramogh today!

FAQs for Onyx stone:

  • What are the safety benefits of green onyx stone?

The Sabza stone protects us from dangers, harm, accidents, psychic attacks, evil forces, and failures. It keeps away toxic people and relations from us to maintain harmony, love, and peace.

  • How to wear green Onyx stone?

With proper astrologer guidance, wear the original Onyx gemstone ring on the ring or little finger of the working hand. It should be women on a Wednesday morning of Shukla Paksha in the first hour after sunrise.

  • Can Green Onyx Stone benefit students? 

Yes! It accesses the untapped mind power, boosts sharp memory, and increases focus. Sabza Rtana also reduces stress, worry, and fear of exams and results. It strengthens concentration to solve assignments and builds emotional stability to sustain stressful exams.

  • People of which zodiac signs can wear Onyx stone?

According to Vedic astrology, people of Gemini and Virgo signs can wear Onyx Sabza gemstones for success, abundance, and growth. As per Western astrology, people of Cancer, Taurus, Libra, and Aquarius signs can wear it for love, divine insights, and health.

  • What are the spiritual benefits of Green Onyx?

This crystal benefits its beholder with strong spiritual insights, lucid dreaming, communication with higher beings,  and angelic guidance. It helps us understand the life, death, and rebirth cycle and reinforces the awareness of the infinite presence of the soul.

  • What is green onyx stone good for?

The Green Onyx, also called Sabza in Hindi benefits from strong public speaking skills, confident communications, and happy relations. Being a substitute for Emerald-Panna gemstones, it promotes wealth, honesty, and spiritual growth. Its affluent energies attract massive success and stability.


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