The enigmatic energies of Star Ruby transcend incredible advantages of love, inner beauty, and kindness into one’s life. The auspicious Star Ruby stone benefits with a strong paternal bond, business growth, and abundance. It also promotes self-confidence, intuitions, and mercy. It is a subordinate of the precious Ruby crystal. It naturally flaunts a mesmerizing star-like phenomenon called asterism!
Star Ruby is also known as Sternrubin, Asteria Ruby, Suryakant Mani, or Suryakant Manik in Vedic astrology. The lord Sun (Surya Graha) rules this Corundum family gemstone. If you also want to explore the majestic benefits of Suryakant Manik, this article is for you!
Benefits of Star Ruby Stone
The harmonizing energies of Star Ruby bless us with serene bliss, peace, focus, divine guidance, and tranquility. Being called یاقوت (Yaqoot) in Urdu, the star ruby stone benefits from physical healing, passion, and stability. Star Ruby improvises father-and-son relations under the influence of the ruling planet, Sun! It neutralizes the malefic effects of the planetary Sun to transcend energies during Mahadasha.
This gem is a celestial conduit of elegance, grace, passion, vitality, and inner strength. Its soothing energies call for a pleasant mindset, inner beauty, and generosity. Let us go through the most amazing benefits of Suryakant Mani in the following section:
1. Star Ruby Strengthens the Sun in Birth Chart
Astrologers suggest wearing a Star Ruby ring to benefit from a strong Sun in one’s birth chart. This auspicious crystal strengthens the weak Sun in Kundali to invite growth, success, and abundance. It helps to resolve conflicts with your father and fatherly figures to promote happiness and bliss.
2. Boosts Leadership
With the auspicious Sun’s blessings, the Star Ruby gemstone helps students and working professionals improve their leadership qualities, determination, and teamwork. The radiating energies of the Sun pass through this gemstone and benefit its beholder with high self-esteem, willpower, courage, and self-awareness.
3. Star Ruby Wards Off Evil Eye
This radiating crystal protects you like a celestial warrior against negative energies and psychic attacks. It transcends signals for upcoming dangers, illnesses, and losses.
Wearing a Star Ruby ring benefits businessmen and entrepreneurs by preventing financial losses, business failures, and fraudulent deals. It also saves you from jealousy and misfortune.
4. It Escalates Calmness
The peaceful energies of Suryakant Manik transcend into our mental aura. It helps to reduce our emotions of stress, worry, and tension.
The glazing Star Ruby crystal creates a zen of calmness and bliss in the mind. It facilitates peaceful sleep, a relaxed mind, and positive thoughts!
5. It Promotes Good Health
The Star Ruby crystal heals sleep issues like insomnia, and disorders of the bone, eye, ear, and heart. It reduces our body toxins, improves blood circulation, and strengthens eyesight.
Its soothing energies promote the proper functioning of the heart, kidney, and spleen. The core of the Sun influences the Star Ruby stone.
Suryakanat Manik Ratna (in Hindi) benefits its beholder for higher vitality, rejuvenation, and life force. Women wearing a Star Ruby stone ring benefit from strong reproductive health, healthy progeny, and safe pregnancy.
6. Star Ruby Attracts Prosperity
Astrologers suggest wearing a Star Ruby stone ring or pendant to those suffering from financial issues, lack of wealth, and poverty. This crystal benefits us with abundance, prosperity, and economic awareness.
It heals the financial blocks in our Basic Chakra (Root) to allow easy cash flow, new business opportunities, and profits.
7. It Strengthens Marriage
They say, ‘Rubies are a symbol of love!’
Likewise, Suryakant Manik crystal also improves love, understanding, and communication in marriage. Its fiery energies amplify passion, romance, and joy. It helps to reduce conflicts, dishonesty, and anger issues in marriage.
8. Suryakant Manik Invites Success
Star Ruby brings triumph and victory to our path! This radiant crystal bestows strong focus, inspiration, and a dedicated mindset for our goals.
Astrologers suggest wearing Red Coral (Laal Moonga) and Star Ruby together to achieve their combined benefits of academic excellence and extraordinary mind power. The fiery energies of Red Coral amplify the effects of Star Ruby for higher confidence, creativity, rational thoughts, and positivity.
9. It Grows You Spiritually
The divine energies of Star Ruby whisper the zen of emotional stability, grounding, and deep meditations. It activates the Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra for psychic vision, intuitions, and spiritual insights.
Star Ruby bridges us to our inner reality and higher beings to make us aware of our cosmic journey. During deep meditations or sleep, the Suryakant Manik Ratna connects our physical and astral aura, allowing conscious astral travel.
Why Choose Pramogh for Star Ruby Gemstone?
Pramogh aims to solve life issues with the help of gemstones. Gemstones are said to bear cosmic energies from the universe to ease our lives. Explore the phenomenal collection of Star Ruby Gemstone-Suryakant Manik to heal the blocks on your path of success, unconditional love, and divine growth!
The mystical Star Ruby has been revered in astrology due to its potent benefits of danger indication, affluence, vitality, angelic guidance, and sumptuous growth. This healing crystal will definitely revive you from weak paternal relations with fatherly figures, despair, or physical weakness. Explore its stunning collection to welcome the auspicious Star Ruby gemstone to your life today!
1. What are the benefits of Star Ruby for women?
A Star Ruby ring or pendant helps women with strong reproductive health and smooth pregnancy. It promotes healthy progeny, a higher rate of fertility, regular menstrual cycles, etc. Suryakant Manik also reduces post-partum symptoms including mood swings, depression, temper issues, etc.
2. Can Star Ruby help with sleep issues?
Yes. This crystal facilitates relaxation, calmness, peace, and mental bliss. It decreases disturbing thoughts to promote deep sleep when kept under the pillow.
3. Why is Star Ruby beneficial for spiritual growth?
This enticing crystal is a conduit of clarity, inner intellect, and divine insights. It benefits from divine guidance, a strong connection with our higher consciousness, and spiritual awakening.
4. Who can wear the Star Ruby gemstone?
Astrologically, people of Aries and Sagittarius zodiac signs can get the auspicious benefits of the Star Ruby stone (Suryakant Manik in Hindi).
5. Which professionals can get benefits from Star Ruby?
This crystal is famous for elevating leadership, creativity, success, and focus in one’s life. Professionals like police, diplomats, teachers, writers, artists, lawyers, administrators, etc., can wear Star Ruby.