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Astrological Benefits Of Wearing A Lapis Lazuli Gemstone!

Astrological Benefits Of Wearing A Lapis Lazuli Gemstone!


The magnificent Lapis Lazuli is the stronghold of mystical energies of enlightenment, honesty, inner peace, divinity, balance, and creativity. The ‘Lapis’ means ‘stone’ in Latin and Lazuli is ‘Blue’ in Persian. It appears royal to light blue with golden pyrite flecks and white calcite clouds. The Lapis Lazuli stone benefits the beholder of soothing healing, inner truth, wisdom, safety, and positivity under the divine guidance of the auspicious planet Saturn (Shani). It is a sodium aluminum silicate-rich mineral with lazurite, calcite, sodalite,  diopside, amphibole, feldspar, pyrite, and mica.

This ethereal blue stone opens the gateways to realms of inner bliss, awareness, divine guidance, and psychic abilities to sense things. It significantly enhances communication, self-awareness, decision-making skills, and learning mindset. This bluish gemstone makes the wonders of positive transformation with spiritual guidance and divine intervention. The Lapis Lazuli gemstone benefits you with good health, prosperity, success, strong focus, determination, faithful relations, a stable mindset, a winning thinking ability, and problem-solving skills.

Lapis Lazuli Stone Benefits:

Under the graceful blessings of the famous guiding planet Saturn, the beloved lapis lazuli gemstone benefits the wearer for unconditional love, self-care, creativity, monumental success, improved blood circulation, healed diseases, etc. It wards off evil and negative energies. It also lets go of old habits and procrastination. Coming in varieties such as denim lapis Russian Lapis, Chilean Lapis, and Persian Lapis, this remarkable gemstone imparts divine benefits of happiness, joy, bliss, rejuvenation, vitality, abundance, and growth. 

The Lapis Lazuli crystal is important in the civilization history of Mesopotamia, Greece, Egypt, Rome, and Rome due to its astonishing benefits of safety, stability, healing, and divine signs.  This angelic blue gemstone promotes joy, wellness, harmony, coordination, sharp memory, and positive life. Apart from these materialistic benefits, let’s take a glance at the benefits of Lapis Lazuli gemstones in astrology:

  • Promotes Friendship and Love:
  • The soft energies of this gemstone attract true love in your life. It helps to find the right partner for you. It brings true friends who support and motivate you to become a better person. It cuts off negative people from your daily life and keeps you positive. 

    It heals marital conflicts and misunderstandings. It balances, stabilizes, and harmonizes married life 

  • Treats Metaphysical Diseases:
  • This gemstone promotes healing, good health, and immunity.  It improves the immunity power, blood circulation, and respiratory system. It makes our skin glowing and beautiful. It heals issues related to the thyroid gland, headache, sleep, migraine, throat, sight, vision, etc. It regulates the nervous system, reduces the chances of auto-immune disorders, lessens body swelling, nourishes hair follicles, etc.

  • Reduces Stress:
  • This gemstone relieves anxiety and insomnia. It makes you calmer and happier. It removes you from procrastination and flushes out negative energies from your aura. You feel balanced and serene after wearing a Lapis Lazuli ring or pendant. It connects you more with the universal energies and relaxes your mind during meditation.

  • Keeps You Safe:
  • The Lapis Lazuli has extraordinary protective benefits for its wearer. It wards off the evil eye, negative energies, and psychic attacks from your aura. It protects you and saves you from accidents, unwanted hazards, and accidents. It neutralizes negative vibrations in your home and office.

  • Grows You Spiritually:
  • According to Western astrology, this is the best gemstone for spirit communication. It passes signals from your higher beings. It expands your higher consciousness and gives you psychic abilities to receive intuitions. It connects and heals your Throat Chakra and Ajna Chakra/ Thord Eye Chakra. It also helps to access the memories from your past incarnations to guide you spiritually.

  • Adapts You To Inner Wisdom:
  • This bluish gemstone boosts wisdom, memory, and intellect. It grows your sixth sense and decision-making ability. It guides you to make the right decisions at the right time. Hence, it is known as a ‘memory stone’.This helps students, teachers, lawyers, public speakers, actors, musicians, etc. 

  • Expands Your Creativity:
  • This gemstone connects to your Throat Chakra and elevates your creativity. This helps people working in artistic fields such as dance, music, films, dramas, radio, sculpture, painting, etc. It also fine-tunes your speech and enables you to express more confidently.

  • Attracts Prosperity:
  • The golden flecks of pyrite in the Lapis Lazuli gemstone benefit its wearer with more abundance, prosperity, wealth accumulation, and new opportunities. It helps to grow your business, brings high-scale results and profits, and blesses you with a fruitful life.

  • Promotes Success:
  • Wearing this gemstone escalates the beholder’s critical thinking, problem-solving skills, focus, concentration, etc. This is helpful for students, working professionals, and businessmen to achieve their goals faster.

    Why Pramogh?

    The Pramogh is a leading flag holder of astrologically potent and high-quality gemstones. Pramogh has an accurate and effective solution like Lapis Lazuli Gemstone for safety, true relations, success, spiritual enlightenment, and harmony.


    The breathtaking zen of Lapis Lazuli stone is a marker of beauty, grace, and angelic healing. It leads to a smooth, hurdle-free, and prosperous life. The earthy energies of the Lapis Lazuli stone benefit its wearer with happiness, strong friendships, work-life balance, harmony, healed diseases, divine insights, and mercy in the guidance of Saturn. Adorn the ethereal Lapis Lazuli gemstone to welcome success, joy, strong memory, prosperity, etc.


    • What are the healing benefits of lapis lazuli?

    A royal blue Lapis Lazuli gemstone heals common infections, colds and coughs, headaches, migraine, respiratory issues, speech issues, insomnia, etc.

    • What Chakra is for Lapis Lazuli?

    This gemstone connects to the Third Eye Chakra for self-awareness, right decisions, good vision, and clear thinking. It also connects to the Throat Chakra for elevated creativity, clear speech, and self-confidence.

    • Is Lapis Lazuli good for students?

    Yes. This gemstone is a game-changer and a lucky charm for students. It helps in sharp memory, good reciting ability, and high confidence in public speaking on the stage.

    • Who can wear Lapis Lazuli stone?

    This gemstone showers its astrological benefits Libra, Capricorn, Sagittarius, and Taurus signs in Vedic astrology. According to Western astrology, people of Aquarius and Pisces can also wear this gemstone for its auspicious benefits of safety, stability, and success. You can also gift this gemstone to your wife on your 9th anniversary!

    • Is Lapis Lazuli stone good for spirituality?

    This gemstone is a beholder of self-discovery, grounding, relaxed meditations, and higher wisdom. It helps to heal your Thraot and Ajna Chakra. It is also an astrological alternative to Blue Topaz gemstone.


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