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Astrological Benefits Of Haematite Gemstones One Must Know!

Astrological Benefits Of Haematite Gemstones One Must Know!

When one has to welcome grounding and balancing in life, Haematite is considered one of the prior gemstones! Originating from the Greek word ‘Haima’ for blood, this iron oxide crystal is also known as Black Alaskan Diamond, Atmaratna, Turgite, Hematite, etc. This grey, silver, or reddish-black colored gem is associated with Mesopotamian goddesses, Inanna/Ishtar. It works under the rule of the celestial planet Mars. Haematite stone benefits its wearer with love, fertility, healing, protection, grounding, stability, and prosperity.

This magical stone is connected to our center of stability, the Root/ Basic Chakra. This gem heals energy blocks in this Chakra to bless us with financial independence, clarity of thought, and vitality. The warn zen of this Metallic gray to deep reddish-black gemstone amplifies courage, wisdom, and divine growth.

Haematite Stone Benefits

This lustrous stone connects to fire and earth elements to elevate our strength, mind power, intuitions, and divine consciousness.  Since ancient times, it has been used widely in therapeutic medicines for healing headaches, skin issues, toxins, etc.

The hematite stone is a powerhouse of stamina, vigor, motivation, energy, and joy. It combats evil energies around us and keeps us stable and active. Let us glance into the benefits of Haematite stone in detail below

  • Aids Physical Disorders:

Iron is a great source of hemoglobin for the body. Hence, this stone can heal the blood circulation system’s issues like anemia, low RBC count, dizziness, high blood pressure, etc. It can fulfill the body’s vitality, regulate blood circulation, and allow detoxification. It also heals fever, skin diseases, insomnia, and headaches.

For females, this gemstone acts as a pain reliever in periods. This gemstone helps in heavy menstrual period bleeding, clotting, stomach cramps, etc. Ancient people used this stone to withdraw snake venom from blood vessels after a snake bite.

  • Protects You From Negativity:

Being a Mars-ruled gemstone, Haematite offers divine protection to its wearer from the evil eye, black magic, spells, negative energies, severe illness, misfortune, unexpected loss, accidents, etc. It absorbs all those negative energies that can harm us. It keeps our Chakras protected from energy blocks and aura grounded.

In physical realms, this stone can absorb electromagnetic smog, electronic radiation, geopathic stress, etc., in our homes and offices. It makes our surroundings positive and calm. It dispels emotional stress within us for purification, safety, and security. 

  • Boosts Our Focus:

This divine gemstone enhances our focus, determination, sharp memory, concentration, and consistency. It makes us more creative, confident, and logical. It improves our perception and understanding for making the right decisions and actions. 

It dismantles the thoughts of self-limitation and lack of self-esteem. This helps to improve willpower, self-realization, and peace of mind, body, and spirit. This powerful gemstone breaks your old procrastinating patterns to make something good happen!

  • Attracts Wealth And Abundance:

Haematite can attract prosperous energies to heal financial blocks in our Root/ Basic Chakra. It invites abundance, wealth accumulation, new opportunities, profitable business deals, and smooth income flow. It accelerates grounding and stability in work, studies, and business. It improves growth, manifestation power, performance, and fortune. 

  • Balances Yin-Yang Energies:

It is observed that most of the physical and mental disorders and emotional breakdowns occur due to an imbalance of yin-yang energies within our aura. Haematite becomes helpful in such cases to balance and restore the feminine and masculine energies. 

Wearing a haematite stone pendant or ring benefits from healing emotional stress, strain, depression, anxiety, sadness, trauma, overthinking, and phobias. This also aligns and balances energies in our Chakras and ethereal and physical bodies.

  • Makes Us Spiritually Aware:

Haematite stone bestows spiritual benefits of divine guidance, insights, awareness, and path. It helps to connect with our supreme beings and higher consciousness. It heals, blocks and strengthens our Chakras so that we can grow spiritually. 

It helps with deep meditation, lucid dreaming, and astral projections. It allows us to access self-reflection and introspection to trace our inner calling and angelic guidance. 

  • Stabilises Relationships:

This grounding stone brings stability and security in relationships. It promotes love, passion, and courage. It gives divine support and strength to find new love for a stable relationship. It recovers past trauma and emotional turmoil. It fosters peaceful relationships, harmonized communications, and joyful relationships.

Why Pramogh?

Pramogh focuses on providing 100% original, certified, and astrologically potent gemstones. These gemstones can heal and resolve your life issues with the help of divine guidance. Pramogh offers grounding and protecting Haematite Gemstone to bless us with stability, security, purity, and luck.


The pristine energies of Haematite help us to endure and pass through difficult phases of life with security, divinity, and courage. This healing gemstone is a master of healing blood-related issues, emotional stress, and Chakral blocks. Its divine zen blesses us with spiritual guidance, inner wisdom, focus, and insights. 


  • Why is Haematite called a grounding stone?

This crystal heals energy blocks in Root Chakra, allows cleansing, and promotes grounding. It benefits its weather with stability, courage, inner reflection, prosperity, strength, and safety.

  • Who can wear Haematite gemstone?

According to Vedic astrology, people of Aries and Aquarius for purification, protection, endurance, and success. According to Western astrology, ascendants of the Scorpio sign can wear this stone to achieve the benefits of divine guidance, wealth accumulation, safety, and harmony.

  • Can Haematite heal blood disorders?

Being an iron oxide, Haematite gemstone regulates and heals issues related to blood circulation, hemoglobin levels, and menstrual pain. It balances blood pressure and low RBC count.

  • Is Haematite good for security?

This stone safeguards us from legal involvement, bad luck, disputes, and evil energies. It grounds and stabilizes our Chakras and Aura. It absorbs negativity and electromagnetic radiation around us.

  • Can I wear Hematite with other crystals?

Yes. You can wear this gemstone with some crystals to enhance its divine powers. Astrologers suggest using Haematite with rose quartz to welcome loving energy in life, Malachite to enhance manifestation, Amethyst to elevate divine growth and safety, and Clear Quartz to improve its grounding properties.


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