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The Astrological Benefits Of White Coral (Safed Moonga)

The Astrological Benefits Of White Coral (Safed Moonga)

The semi-precious gemstone White coral is also known as ‘White Moonga’ in Hindi and ‘Shwet Praval’ or ‘Shwet Prabal’ in Sanskrit according to Hindu Scriptures. It is governed by the benevolent planet Mars which enhances its healing powers. Its delightful white color symbolizes peace, purity, courage, and fearlessness. White Coral benefits us to healing on all levels of life and hence it is known as a ‘supreme immunity booster’.

It is connected to the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra which is the center of higher energy, spiritual guidance, and connectivity to our higher self. It originated from polyps in ocean beds called ‘ Coral Calcies’. It is unbleached, more durable, and one of the hardest stones. Its natural form has more therapeutic effects as compared to other gemstones. Its white hues have sacred spiritual powers to ward off evil spirits and protect us. Let’s move further to learn more about white coral.

Top 10 Benefits Of White Coral Gemstone

The effects of White coral are seen on body, mind, and spirit. This stone raises our vibrations for a positive life and uplifts our health, stamina, and self-esteem. It removes toxins from the body and keeps the heart rate stable. Its soothing pure energy leads us on a path of kindness, forgiveness, honesty, and divinity. 

The White Coral aligns your Chakral energies and keeps you away from physical and emotional ailments. This natural stone clears our minds from negative thoughts to achieve calmness and peace. Its ruling Planet Mars bestows purity, prosperity,  higher willpower, and good luck on its wearer.

  • Guides Astrologically:

Astrologically,  the White Coral bestows spiritual guidance on the wearer which benefits to raise awareness and understanding. This stone aligns our Crown Chakra and connects us to our higher self for intuition, tranquility, and surreal bliss. It helps Mangliks regulate the negative energy into positive energy for a stable and blissful life.

  • Boosts Immunity:

A White Coral ring maintains the vitality of our body and heals us from physical sickness and fatigue. Its ruling planet Mars imparts powers of rapid healing, quick recovery of the body, and cell regeneration in the White Coral. 

  • Strengthens Health:

The White Coral health improves appetite, blood circulation, metabolism, purification, and digestion for living a healthy life. Its health benefits heal respiratory disorders such as Asthma, Bronchitis, Sinus Common cold, etc. It also cures headaches, brain tumors, Leukoderma, Leucorrhoea, Jaundice, etc. Its gentle energy heals babies of sluggish metabolism and feeding issues. In Ayurvedic medicine, the White Coral is ground to a fine powder, called ‘Pishti’ and mixed with other herbs to form healing medicines.

  • Boosts Leadership Qualities:

The White Coral imparts qualities of leadership, enthusiasm, and maturity in a person. This stone enables leadership,  good teamwork, and clear communication with your coworkers.

  • Protects From Negativity:

The White Coral protects us from negative energies, black nazar, negative thoughts, evil spirits, and suicidal thoughts. This stone attracts positive energies with divine guidance and boosts our courage.

  • Enhances Career:

The White Coral greatly accelerates the career growth of people working in fields such as surgeons, medicine, doctors, scientists, pharmacy, the leather industry, etc. It also benefits the artists to enhance their self-expression and visualization in their artwork.

  • Improves Logical Thinking:

The beautiful white coral improves logical thinking and promptness of action. Hence, it benefits people working in logical fields such as the military, police, and law. Mars helps us to accelerate our knowledge and wisdom. Competitive exam students can wear this stone to increase their critical thinking and management skills. 

  • Invites Prosperity:

The White Coral removes financial blocks and poverty thoughts from its wearer. This miraculous stone is a magnet of good luck, fortune, and new opportunities. Its warm energies enable the flow of money without any hurdles.

  • Increases Feminine Energies In Women: 

The White Coral is useful for married women to bring harmony and peace in marriage. It benefits married women to protect themselves from early widowhood. This stone helps pregnant women to feel relaxed and joyful which is also favorable for the baby. In ancient times, pregnant women tied White Coral around their naval area after 90 days of conception to ensure safe childbirth.

  • Reduces Anger :

The White Coral gemstone heals the anger effects of trauma, tragic past, or unhealthy relationships. This cordial stone promotes empathy, forgiveness, and kindness. Its benefits release feelings of guilt from one's mind to let go of trauma and accidents. That’s why it is also known as the ‘Stone of Wisdom’.

Why Pramogh

Pramogh offers authentic, original, and scientifically curated gemstones under the divine astrological guidance of reiki healers and astrologers for solving life issues. All gemstones from Pramogh meet the 3Cs which are cut, color, and clarity to provide the utmost customer satisfaction. One should wear a White coral gemstone to achieve success and happiness in life! 


The auspicious White Coral gemstone is a knight in shining armor for Mangliks to reduce hurdles in life. Connected to the Crown chakra, it makes us more intuitive, innocent, calm, and spiritual. The heavenly blessings of Mars guide White Coral to help us achieve the greatest things in life with courage, willpower, wellness, and prosperity. Experience the honest and pure form of your personality with the divine benefits of White Coral!


  • Should a Manglik wear White Coral?

Yes, the White Coral gemstone helps to transmute the calamitous energies of Mars into positive energies to let go of troubles and hurdles. Mangliks can get the benefits of letting go malefic effects of Mars in their Horoscope with the help of this stone.

  • Can the White Coral bring good luck and prosperity?

The White Coral opens the doors to new possibilities for finances and growth. It benefits to relinquish poverty thoughts, debt, and financial crises for easy and stable money flow. 

  • Does White Coral heal you emotionally?

The pure white hues of White Coral help to let go of suicidal tendencies, negativity, evil thoughts, and frustration. It emotionally benefits us in healing depression, anxiety, trauma, and temper issues which leads to a happy and calm life.

  • Can White Coral protect you?

The White Coral creates a protective shield around the wearer and benefits to fight against evil spirits, destructive energies, and negative energies.

  • What are the benefits of White Coral for women?

This gemstone is a great healer for women who are facing gynecological issues such as PCOS, PSOD, etc. It is a divine protector for women who have chances of miscarriage in pregnancy to dissolve ill effects on the baby.



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