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Benefits Of The Irani Firoza Stone One Must Harness (Turquoise)

Benefits Of The Irani Firoza Stone One Must Harness (Turquoise)

The natural bluish Irani Firoza is a renowned historical gemstone that originated in Turkey. It has astrological powers of protection against evil and imparting wisdom, knowledge, and honor in life. It is also known as Irani Turquoise, Firoza Ratna, and Irani Feroza. Its name ‘Feroza’ originated from the French word 'Pierre Turquin' that means a ‘dark blue colored stone’. The Irani Firoza stone benefits the wearer for success, shield, calmness, power, and good health under the divine guidance of the ruling planet Jupiter.

This protective stone removes the impacts of the evil eye given by envious people on your relationship, career growth, business, and physical health. It aligns and balances the Third eye chakra for enhanced focus, determination,  clarity, and precision of inner thoughts for taking the right actions. The Irani turquoise benefits you with enhanced creativity, expanded fame,  confidence, prosperity, self-esteem, enlightenment, new opportunities, and joyous relationships with your beloved.

Irani Feroza Stone Benefits

The Irani Feroza works under the governing planet Jupiter and holds astrological benefits of abundance, massive success, strong protection, and lots of blissfulness. This alluring stone is prized for its metaphysical powers and effective healing properties. If you are seeking security, stability, and happiness in life with spirituality, financial independence,  fame, and success, then this is the correct stone for your overall well-being. 

This bluish stone strengthens your willpower, thinking ability, and mental awareness to impart a stable, serene, and surreal state in the wearer. Let’s take a detailed overview of the divine benefits of the Irani Feroza gemstone below. 

  • Protects You From Evil Eye:

The Irani Firoza represents the massive protective powers of Jupiter. Its benefits shield you from black Nazar, Evil energies, unexpected accidents, dangers, financial losses, and psychic attacks from others who are jealous to see you succeed. Many famous people and celebrities wear this stone to protect them from such incidents. 

  • Harmonizes Marital Life:

The Irani Turquoise stone brings harmony, peace, and understanding to your married life. It is a good-luck charm that saves marriages from separation, conflicts, and miscommunications. The benefits of wearing firoza stone keep marriage protected and save couples from unwanted violence and disloyalty.

  • Invites Wealth and Fortune:

The powerful Feroza stone attracts prosperity and financial opportunities to benefit the wearer for a prosperous and desired life. Astrologers recommend its ring for getting maximum financial support. It overcomes financial crisis, poverty, and a sense of lack resulting in an abundant and happy life. 

  • Enhances Your Fame and Honor:

The Feroza Stone is a flagbearer of fame, honor, and reputation with tremendous success. Wearing its bracelet changes the wearer’s life drastically which benefits to give wisdom, knowledge, and rationality to gain fame and respect in society. It leverages your societal status with the guidance for productive actions in your work.

  • Inculcates Strong Health:

The Irani firoza gemstone is a magic healer for physical illnesses and weakened immunity. Its health benefits heal you from disorders related to the lungs, respiratory system, throat, diabetes, tuberculosis, insomnia, headache, and viral diseases. It changes its color when the wearer is in severe danger or failing health to protect from long-term illnesses. 

  • Raises Your Emotional Well-being:

The Irani Firoza gemstone brings back the lost confidence and courage to benefit you for a healthy mental state. Its angelic bluish hues impact our body for healing stress, worry, anxiety, sadness, and frustration. It blesses us with a stable mood, increased concentration, and mental bliss.

  • Escalates Our Creativity:

The Feroza stone is connected to the Throat Chakra to boost our creative abilities and artistic nature without laziness and procrastination. Astrologers suggest this stone for people working in film, fashion, music, writing, philosophy, dance, and painting to get more innovative ideas and opportunities. 

  • Connects You With Spirituality:

The firoza stone holds immense powers in astrology for spiritual awakening, guidance, and strong intuitions.  Under the divine guidance of the benevolent planet Jupiter, this stone benefits the wearer to become a believer in astrology, Karmic Destiny, and good deeds for divinity.

Why Pramogh?

The Pramogh is an emissary platform for secure and effective solutions with astrologically curated high-quality gemstones. Pramogh has an impeccable solution for you in the form of a powerful Irani Firoza (Turquoise) Gemstone for protection, illumination, and blessings from the cosmic energies if you want to get rid of the evil eye's impact in life and desire to gain unbeatable success with divine support.


The Irani Firoza gemstone matches the proverb ‘only the sky is the limit’ for giving enormous success, fame, wealth, and love. It helps us to become better personalities in realms of spirituality by strengthening the muscles of our Chakras and aura. This astonishing stone is a shaman for protecting our health, finances, and emotional nature from evil spirits. Wear this magical ancient stone to experience a dream life with divinity and one-pointedness.


  • What is Iranai Feroza good for?

This stone is a divine healing gem of empathy that benefits us for higher sensitivity, enriched compassion, and success in business and career endeavors.

  • Does Turquoise have any mystical powers?

With the help of activated throat chakra, this stone helps to cleanse negative energies in the aura and benefits from clarity, enhanced communication abilities, and regained conviction for work. 

  • Can Irani firoza stone heal physical ailments?

The healing blue energies of this stone benefit the healing of thymus gland issues, speech delays, pregnancy delays, migraines, asthma, and alcoholism. It can remove poison and toxins from the body to purify our system.

  • Which professionals can wear turquoise stone?

This stone gives professional benefits to people who are researchers, law teachers, attorneys, educators,  accountants, and authors for success, wisdom, and improved focus.

  • Who can wear the Irani Firoza stone?

According to Western astrology, this stone is the birthstone of December Born people. It gives benefits to zodiac signs like Pisces and Sagittarius in Vedic astrology.


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